Tuesday, April 17, 2012

International Marketing: Culture Conflict

When entering into international markets, there are many facotrs a business must take into consideration.  Among these is the role that culture plays in communicating ideas and determining which products will have the opportunity to succeed in a particular market.  Those responsible for marketing must analyze many things in order to avoid crucial mistakes that could cost the firm a great deal of time and money.

The article linked below highlights many important points to consider when you go global.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pricing Strategies

For each of the pricing strategies listed in chapter 26 you need to write a thorough definition and provide a example of how this strategy might look or be used in the real-world.
Record this information in your notebook and bring it to class with you on Monday to share. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Marketing Mix: Product

Your assignment is to provide a case study of products that help to explain different aspects of the factor of product to the marketing mix.  Read the article linked below.  Then, choose 10 different components or issues involved in "product" - define each and provide an example in the form of a specific product (use a picture as well) as a case study of how that component looks in real world usage.  Do not use the examples already given in the article.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Persuaders

After viewing the documentary, The Persuaders, you are now to provide analysis of one aspect of the ideas we discovered.  Go to the website linked below and choose one topic for further analysis.  There are five links on this page, each with a different topic - choose one, read the interviews and write a 2-3 paragraph analysis of what is being said.  Be sure to include your own opinions and ideas.

Include a link to the interview and two pictures that are relevant to your topic.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weekly Article

It's Monday...and you know what that means.  Find yourself an article relating to business, read it, understand it and evaluate it in writing as your next blog post  Be sure to include the link to the article along with one relevant picture.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

This week's writing assignment is to explain in detail the Enron crisis.  Include in your explanation who the important characters were, what they did, how it was discovered, what the economic result was and what has happened to the main characters as well as the innocent employees and shareholders?
Please include links to your information sources and two pictures that relate to the subject. 
Finally, include your own comments about how this story relates to our study of ethics in business.