There are as many reasons to start a business as there are businesses - business in the private sector requires entrepreneurs who possess a wide range of skills and ideas. What does it take to begin and maintain a successful business venture? Innovation is ever more vital in a competitive global market - a business must not only provide a desired good or service but must also provide something different or improved to attract the consumers that will keep your business alive.
Start-up businesses require much more than just a great idea, they must also have leaders, risk-takers, market opportunities and the ability to bounce back from adversity and persevere.
The list of failed business is long and varied for an equal varity of reasons. Competition is stiff, building a customer base takes time and reputations can be damaged, finding the capital to persist through difficult economic times can be a job in and of itself.
Assignment: post on your blog a brief expalnation of each of the reasons outlined in your book as to problems faced by sart-ups (should be about 2 short paragraphs) - then use the internet to research and identify two different companies which have failed. Finally, write a brief explanation of each of these two companies: what they were and why they failed. Please include at least one picture for each of the companies discussed.